Thursday, April 28, 2005

Clearest shot of gull & fish. Posted by Hello

It almost seemed like the gull was washing the fish. He dropped it several times in the water, and it didn't look like it was completely an accident...if that makes sense. Posted by Hello

Here he is with his catch Posted by Hello

Another ocean-like shot...tons of rain made the lake really rough Posted by Hello

You would think we were at the ocean instead of just a little lake here Posted by Hello

Seagull...and you can't really tell, but he has a fish in his mouth. Posted by Hello

Couple of hooded mergansers at Sabattus Lake Posted by Hello

A cormorant taking off from Sabattus Lake Posted by Hello

And the falls roar on... Posted by Hello

Waterfall again Posted by Hello

Waterfall Posted by Hello

Another angle of the falls Posted by Hello

The Great Falls of Lewiston Posted by Hello

Baby rabbit sniffing Julianna's hand Posted by Hello

Another view Posted by Hello

Julianna holding a baby chick Posted by Hello

Two horses at the stable where my sister takes her riding lessons Posted by Hello

And another one... Posted by Hello

I love spring for this very reason...all of the wonderful animal babies! This is a colt and its mom that I spotted on a farm off of 22. Posted by Hello

Helga & Curie Posted by Hello

And here's another one...Sid! She has a big fenced backyard that all the puppies and big dogs ram around in. He was playing on my sympathy because he wanted me to come in and play...hehe. Posted by Hello

One of Glo's many "babies"...Velvet. Posted by Hello

The sky on my way to Glo's house. I call this "Heaven Over Several Telephone Wires" Posted by Hello

More nesting osprey...quite an amazing thing to see! Posted by Hello

An osprey in its nest Posted by Hello