Thursday, May 05, 2005

Julianna, feeling sort of sad on our last night there :( Posted by Hello

Same field, different gull Posted by Hello

Sleeping duck Posted by Hello

This shows how much rain we actually got...this is in a field! Posted by Hello

Wake up! Posted by Hello

Sweet little Sid Posted by Hello

Alibi, watching for Glo Posted by Hello

Snoozing Azalea Posted by Hello

Alibi posing for a pic Posted by Hello

Azalea & Sid...Alibi's siblings Posted by Hello

Here's Alibi...our little shock therapy pup... Posted by Hello

Riding Magic Posted by Hello

Glo riding Magic Posted by Hello

Magic...the horse Glo was riding for her lesson Posted by Hello

Geese in the Saco River Posted by Hello

A little llama-like posing! Posted by Hello

Ready to nurse Posted by Hello

Another shot of the baby Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mama and baby horse...Jules calls them "other Oakley" and "baby Oakley"...after another horse that has similar markings...hehe Posted by Hello

More wrestling with basenjis Posted by Hello

Basenji wrestling Posted by Hello

Slurp Posted by Hello

How they both fit in this thing is beyond me! Posted by Hello

Playing in a very small box... Posted by Hello

Closeup of Soph Posted by Hello